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Introducing our law firm

We are passionate about helping businesses succeed ethically. We call this "advanced thinking."
Or you can call it - business as it should be.  

 10 Years of Adanced Thinking

Get a free business book

Advanced Thinking is something of a legend based on the many testimonials from subscribers. When you join, you get a free book. 

The "advanced thinking*" newsletter is sent regularly. It provides "advanced thinking*" tips on marketing, corporate governance, accounting, entrepreneurship and best practice on successfully starting, running and growing your business.

***Advanced thinking is the future.

How can we help you?


Audit readiness

Hiring a CPA is increasingly expensive given shortages in places like the US.


We can help you reduce the costs and be more efficient for your audit by doing a quality review and/or to prepare your audit documents, reviewing your accounting policies and draft financial statements whether for US GAAP, IFRS or UK GAAP (FRS 102). 


Managed services

Need regular management accounts? Is your business failing? How about your digital strategy, is it working?

This service is targeted for growing businesses, notably Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) who can't afford a full time professional to help them run their business. We have experience in more than 50 sectors and so can support you.


Business Feasibility study

Which is the best business to start? Which sector gives better Return on Investment (ROI)?

This service is especially suitable for starting a new business venture and it combines the traditional business plan with deep research (desktop or field) to allow you assess which business to invest in given various options.

We use our knowledge of different sectors to assist you.   


Financing readiness

When a business is seeking additional finance partners (e.g. venture capital, private equity) it is critical to prepare in advance (sometimes up to 3 years in advance). Do you know what funders look for?

This service is akin to a "sell side financial due diligence" or putting together a "pitch deck". We help a business prepare for the rigorous requirements of finance partners. We know what the funders typically look for and so can help. 

Leadership team.

So much insight and technical information to boot.

Blue Personal Objects


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